My Four Year Endeavor

Mountain path

This blog is central to my 4 year project of doing for myself what I have spent years waiting for others to do for me.

I’ll be expressing what I hear inside of me rather than waiting for a teacher, author, sage, politician, etc, to speak it for me. I’ll offer my perspective, even the ones I have not seen validated in tv shows, textbooks, books of poetry, books of philosophy, classrooms, conversations or political campaigns.

January 20, 2025 – January 20, 2029
I’m committing these four years to engaging with my dreams and aspirations. I’m committing to befriending myself each day towards being/becoming who I always hoped I would become in this lifetime.

The wait is over!


Instead of asking what can my candidate can do for me, I’m asking what I can do for me. I am contemplating the things I’ve been hoping would come into reality if/when my current idolized leader would do their magic and make things better for myself and others.

The serenity prayer has offered me solace throughout my life.

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Today I focus more on the “things I can change”.
It is usually other people who I want to change. For me, it’s equally challenging to see and change myself as it is to leave others the freedom to live their lives.

I learn over and over that I can change only myself. My prayer today
as I set my efforts towards my highest aspirations for this lifetime: may I become more harmonious within myself and with all those whom I encounter and who encounter me.



  1. In Case It Matters - CindyBlack Blog on January 25, 2025 at 4:47 pm

    […] case it matters…I’m sharing my four year endeavor here. It’s only been five days and I find myself straining to bring my attention to where I want […]