Did I pray for you?

I have moments of utter love for all beings.
It happens when I am alone.
Many nights I try some yoga, try some qi gong, try some meditation. And then it happens – a soft warm gentle rolling cloud of universal love floats around me and within me. I experience a sea of gratitude and appreciation. So I pray: may we all find our way, may we all be safe, warm, and have plenty of food, may we all be happy.
Sometimes while I am drifting off to sleep I imagine my neighbors. Horizontal in their beds too, drifting off to sleep. All of us in these many separate rooms, sleeping at the same time. Quiet at last.
Now I’m driving.
Now I’m screaming at you who cut me off, who didn’t yield, who is going too slow, who is going too fast, who has the wrong bumper sticker.
And so I wonder:
Were you one of the ones I was praying for last night?