It’s Monday Again

It’s Monday again,
It is this day,
This sunrise, these birds singing, these grasses growing, this mystery unfolding,
Known as “another Monday” in my small mind.
Artificial intelligence
Is the labeling of this Unknowable
Into “bite-sized” chunks for a human to understand,
To manage,
To keep rational,
In the unfathomable unfolding of a Reality beyond all fathoming.
We name it “chaotic”
Chaos. Beyond the reach of the mechanical reductionist dominating patriarchal mind.
Dates and calendars and the labeling of every minute, every day,
every plant, bird, microbe, fish, fungi, and animal.
“Look there, that it is a mockingbird.”
Unless you are that bird
Spirit in a Winged Body.
It’s too much to contemplate
While keeping the car between the lines,
When choosing the best smile emoji,
It’s Monday
I can’t be late!