Dealing with tech
DIY is Hard!
I am at a moment with this blog…at a technological brick wall. It is amazing how things look good out here – on the “front end” but behind this post are a bunch of confusing messages warning me about mix-ups on the “back end.” The back end is where all these posts are organized, the spot in this digital universe where this website “exists.” It’s the place that holds all the pictures and colors and buttons and the place to sign up for my email list. All simple enough…and all vastly confusing when you really don’t understand all the parts...that’s me.
So why keep trying?
For the sake of my independence. For the sake of knowing something about this network of electrons that takes up the vast majority of time and energy these days. So I don’t get lost, don’t space out and leave my mind to flounder around looking at other people’s creations. To keep learning, to keep my attention here, with my aspirations and dreams. Because let’s face it, if I didn’t spend most of my last 24 hours troubleshooting with multiple customer services, my mind would have been messing with my fingers to get me to clicking where I really don’t care to go.
Year of the Snake
Today is the first day of the Year of the Snake. I’m calling on the wisdom of the Snake for guidance to slide through the puzzles I am facing with this website. Dear Snake help me stay connected with the dirt of the Earth while I sink further into this digital abyss and keep my balance of body, mind, and spirit.
The Answer
Less than five minutes passed since I wrote and posted everything above this paragraph. I closed my computer and started making my morning bowl of oatmeal – earth, balance, the snake filling my being. And then “the answer” floated into my consciousness. I tested my idea. It worked! A doorway has opened through my digital brick wall!
I’m sitting here shaking my head, “can you believe it?!” I catch myself and start practicing nodding “yes” to myself because this is not magic, not a once in a lifetime explosion of WOW. This is how things happen. Even here, in the digital world, there is something greater than human consciousness surrounding, generating, guiding, Being…answering what feels like a tiny call for help from a little dot of a human sitting on a chair, in a house, in a neighborhood, in a town, a state, a country, a land on planet Earth, spinning within a Universe beyond all imagination.